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Re: Problem with ns-2.1b4 installation on Win98
I had the same problem when I tried installing ns-2.1b3 on Solaris 2.4.
I am very curious to know a solution to this problem and why is it
Hala A. ElAarag
Ph.D. Student
School of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Brett Vickers wrote:
> On my Windows 98 system, I used Visual C++ 5.0 to compile ns-2.1b4 and
> all of its required packages (Tcl/Tk/Otcl/Tclcl). The compiles were
> successful(*), and an executable ns.exe was produced. However, when I
> run ns.exe, it does something strange: it outputs the entire
> ASCII-fied contents of the gen/ns_tcl.cc file and exits. I never get
> a "%" prompt. Any idea why this is happening?
> (*) The ns-2.1b4 distribution did not contain prune.cc and prune.h. I
> had to use the ns-2.1b3 versions.
> Brett