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Re: Multicast Interface

> Hi folks,
> Q1: Is there any interface to support wildcard entry in multicast?
> I mean adding a <*,G> entry for forwarding all the packets
> from iif to oifs regardless of the senders?
> Currently I have to duplicate entries for each sender.

currently there is not handling of *,G in the forwarding cache in C++, 
unless Yur has added it as part of his new multicast stuff ?! [Yuri ?!]

> Q2: Also, if I want to read the acutal data in the packet, such as IP_OPTION
> or TTL, I think I have to rewrite the mcast classifier, is
> there any better way to do it?

you'd probably need to add new processing moduel (whether you want to 
include the processing in the classifier or in the new module is your 
design choice)... there's a module for looking at TTL (I think it is 
TTLChecker or sth like that)..


> Thanks,
> Jerry