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problem with compiling ns


I have tried to install ns-2.1b4 on Solaris 2.5.1 with gcc 2.6.3.
After having manually installed tcl, tk, otcl and tclcl the installation
of ns stops.

c++ -c -g -Wall -DNO_TK -DTCLCL_CLASSINSTVAR  -DNDEBUG -mv8 -msupersparc 
-DHAVE_LIBDL=1 -I. -I/usr/openwin/include  -I../tclcl-1.0b7 -I../otcl-1.0a3 
-I../tcl8.0/generic -o tcp-vegas.o tcp-vegas.cc
agent.h: In method `void VegasTcpAgent::output(int, int = 0)':
agent.h:92: method `class Packet * Agent::allocpkt() const' is protected
tcp-vegas.cc:392: within this context
agent.h:91: method `void Agent::idle()' is protected
tcp-vegas.cc:419: within this context
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tcp-vegas.o'

I could not find this problem on the problems page.
Can anybody help me what to do?

* Torsten Mueller                  * Tel.: +49 351 463-4621 , 3942    *
* Dresden University of Technology * Fax:  +49 351 463-7163           *
* Communications Laboratory        * Email:                           *
* D-01062 Dresden, Germany         *    [email protected] *
* http://www.ifn.et.tu-dresden.de/~muellert                           *