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Re: dynamically changing link cost
I've extended the tcl rtModel class (defined in tcl/rtglib/dynamics.tcl) to
dynamically change the cost of a link. Since rtModel takes care of invoking
route recalculation, the new routes will be recalculated.
Below defines a toy tcl class rtModel/UniformCost that I used to test out the
aforementioned mechanism. Once you include this script, you can invoke it like
$ns rtmodel UniformCost {.6 1 5} $n12 $n13
It means that every 0.6 second, the cost of the link($n12:$n13) will change to
any integer between 1 and 5, with equal probability.
Mingzhou Sun
# Uniform link cost, with deterministic inter-change interval
Class rtModel/UniformCost -superclass rtModel
rtModel/UniformCost instproc set-parms {interval min max} {
$self instvar upInterval_ minCost_ maxCost_
set upInterval_ $interval
set minCost_ $min
set maxCost_ $max
rtModel/UniformCost instproc set-first-event {} {
global rtglibRNG
# puts "set-first-event"
$self instvar startTime_ upInterval_
$self set-event [expr $startTime_ + $upInterval_] change-cost
rtModel/UniformCost instproc change-cost { } {
global rtglibRNG
$self instvar maxCost_ minCost_ links_ upInterval_
set newCost [expr [ns-random] % [expr $maxCost_ - $minCost_ + 1] +
foreach l [array names links_] {
$links_($l) dynamic-cost $newCost
#puts "in change-cost"
$self set-event $upInterval_ change-cost
Link instproc dynamic-cost newCost {
$self instvar cost_ dynamics_ dynT_ fromNode_ toNode_
# puts "in dynamic-cost"
if ![info exists dynamics_] return
;# $dynamics_ set status_ 1
# puts "[[Simulator instance] now] cost-changed: from $cost_ to $newCost"
if [info exists dynT_] {
foreach tr $dynT_ {
$tr format link([$fromNode_ id]:[$toNode_ id]) cost changed: from $cost_ to
set ns [Simulator instance]
$self instvar fromNode_ toNode_
;# $tr ntrace "l -t [$ns now] -s [$fromNode_ id] -d [$toNode_ id] -S UP"
$tr ntrace "v -t [$ns now] sim_annotation [$ns now] link([$fromNode_
id]:[$toNode_ id]) cost changed: from $cost_ to $newCost"
set cost_ $newCost