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Re: asymetric simplex links
Magnus L�vqvist wrote:
> Hi!
> I am student who is going to use NS for my thesis work (OS: Windows NT). I
> have
> a simple question I hope anyone can answer.
> I have studied Marc Greis tutorial page for ns, and have a question about
> section V.1. The Topology.
> The topolgy that I want to create is a simple asymetric link with two nodes
> and with two simplex links between them.
> 1. Is it possible to use two simplex links between two nodes?
Yes this is possible. A duplex link is acctuly constructed from two
simplex links.
> 2. Is there a similar command like $ns duplex-link-op for the simpex links ?
Maybe, not that I know of but I am not an expert on ns even if I have
come to learn quite a lot about ns during my thesis work.
/m.v.h. Ingela <In the process off finishing my work with ns>
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