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The ping protocol for ns
I am trying to make the example of creating a ping agent for ns
(following the ns tutorial:chapter VII."A new protocol for ns") and I
would be very pleased if anybody could tell me how to do the
improvements indicated in the tutorial:
> <You can also try to add some code that allows the user to send ping
packets with '$pa send $node' (where 'pa' is a ping agent and 'node' a
node) without having to connect the agent 'pa' with the ping
agent on 'node' first, though that might be a little bit more
complicated than it sounds at first. You can also read the chapter 8.6
from the "ns Notes and Documentation" to learn more about creating your
own agents>
because I don't kwnow how I could modify the ping.cc code (procedure
"command") and if it is necessary to add anything in the ns files, too.
Thanks a lot in advance.
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