I compared 3 multicast routing protocol....
(pimDM, CtrMcast, DynamicDM.....)
and.. some point was wrong.....
First, I tested in ns-version 2.1b4. 3 protocols worked fine... but...
i can't find 'prune & graft
when i tested 2 protocols, I use 'udp', 'application/traffic/cbr'...
it is very curious.... and so on.... finally i tested 3 protocols with
Wow... I can see prune & graft message....
Why? Why can't i see theses message with
'udp', 'application/traffic/cbr' ??????
please tell me.....
Second, case of CtrMcast, i can see just cbr message, in ns2-1b4.
( i don;t know about ip-multicast...... ^.^!!!)
and then in tested in ns-2.1b5(daily snapshot)
wow, i can see 'encap' message.... what
is 'encap' message??????
please tell me............
Third, In ns-2.1b5(daily snapshot), i can't use dynamicDM, error is..
(i can;t remember detail...)
Error message is "what is dynamicDM, pimDM....".
In daily snapshot Just DM is working fine.....
why??? it is bug ??? why don't......?????????
PS : i attached my DyDM.tcl code.... some experts tell me about this