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Re: Question
> 1: In tcl function always begins with code like following:
> CBQLink instproc init { src dst bw delay q cl {lltype "DelayLink"} } {
> $self next $src $dst $bw $delay $q $lltype ; # SimpleLink ctor
> $self instvar head_ queue_ link_
> $self instvar classifier_ ; # not found in a SimpleLink
> # $self instvar drophead_ ; # not found in a SimpleLink
> $queue_ link $link_ ; # queue_ set by SimpleLink ctor, CBQ needs
> $link_
> set classifier_ $cl
> I don't understand what does the variable $self mean, what does next
> mean, I am not clear on instvar either. Does instavar make all the
> private
> variables accessible.
It's otcl, please read the otcl doc included in the otcl distribution.
- Haobo