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Re: Newbie allinone install problems
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Jim Hilger wrote:
> >I've built ns from the pieces on 5.5.1 using gcc (and on 5.4
> >with 2.7.0) a considerable number of times. Haven't bothered with and
> >wouldn't recommend all-in-one, since building from pieces makes
> >upgrading easier...
> >
> >What version of gcc/c++ are you using?
> The systems I use have:
> opus% gcc -v
> Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.4/2.6.3/specs
> gcc version 2.6.3
You'll see that the ns-problems page recommends gcc 2.7.x as the
solution in at least one place; haven't tried 2.6.x with Solaris.
(is there a lower bound to versions of gcc you can safely use to
build ns etc.? If so, what is it? I've had some trivial internal gcc
library conflicts with gcc 2.7.0 when compiling nam...)
> When you built ns from the pieces, did you have to change
> a bunch of defines someplace or have a bunch of env variables
> for ns?
Nope. I just have a set of standard one-line config scripts; since
we're both Solaris this might be a useful shortcut for you. My setup
ns - separate the ns stuff from everything else
ns - current ns distribution lives here
nam - network animator
Thus, the current ns binary will be ~/ns/ns/ns and nam is ~/ns/nam/nam
I actually set these directories up as a number of symlinks to other
directories, e.g.
tclcl -> tclcl-1.0b7
otcl -> otcl-1.0a3 etc,
since this simplifies upgrading versions of dependencies for me, and
allows me to use very simple scripts to configure and make the
snapshots at any time; I just copy these into the directories before
cding into the directories and executing them, followed by make.
startconf-tcldebug is (one line):
configure --disable-static --enable-release --with-tcl=$HOME/ns/tcl
--with-tcl-ver=8.0 --with-otcl=$HOME/ns/otcl
--with-tclcl=$HOME/ns/tclcl --with-perl=/usr/local/bin
--with-tk=$HOME/ns/tk --with-tk-ver=8.0 --enable-shared
startconf-tclcl is (one line):
configure --disable-static --with-tcl=$HOME/ns/tcl8.0
--with-tcl-ver=8.0 --with-otcl=$HOME/ns/otcl --with-tk=$HOME/ns/tk8.0
--with-tk-ver=8.0 --enable-debug
startconf-ns is (one line):
configure --disable-static --with-tcl=$HOME/ns/tcl8.0
--with-tcl-ver=8.0 --with-otcl=$HOME/ns/otcl
--with-tclcl=$HOME/ns/tclcl --with-perl=/usr/local/bin
--with-tk=$HOME/ns/tk8.0 --with-tk-ver=8.0
--with-dmalloc=$HOME/ns/dmalloc --enable-debug
startconf-nam is (one line):
configure --disable-static --with-tcl=$HOME/ns/tcl8.0
--with-tcl-ver=8.0 --with-otcl=$HOME/ns/otcl
--with-tclcl=$HOME/ns/tclcl --with-perl=/usr/local/bin
--with-tk=$HOME/ns/tk8.0 --with-tk-ver=8.0
--with-dmalloc=$HOME/ns/dmalloc --enable-debug
Well, works for me.
hey, I _need_ good ns karma.
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>