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Re: Failure in building otcl-1.0a3 with tcl/tk 8.0.3

I had the same problem when trying to install the necessary parts
separately under Linux 2.2.1 (upgraded from redhat 5.2, linux2.0.36-07)

I had better luck trying the ns-allinone-2.1b4a release.

NB. to compile nam in the ns-allinone release you will need to
add the dl library to LIB rule in 

[your path]/ns-allinone-2.1b4a/nam-1/Makefile

and then recompile.



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  Dr. Roger Kermode.
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On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Christian Jonsson wrote:

> I'm interested in ns-2 and I need to build otcl-1.0a3 under my Red Hat Linu=
> x
> 5.2/Intel box having tcltk-8.0.3. I intend to build a otcl rpm package and
> share my efforts with the ones interested. I installed (unpacked, configure=
> d,
> built) the tcl/tk 8.0.3 src rpm and pointed via configure to the tree where=
>  tcl=20
> resp. tk were built. The configure went well, AFAIK, but the build fails at=
> =20
> isArg.
> The claim is the the struct arg does not have isArg (in 8.0.3 that is).
> There is some kind of problem with the lines 771-773 in otcl.c:
>      if (args->isArg)
> #endif
> Could you help me on this. I've seen that you're poking around, well I assu=
> me
> it's you, in the otcl sources so I thought I could ask you.
> TIA,
> ---
> Christian J=F6nsson                 (MIME) E-mail:        [email protected]
> Division of Communication Systems        Telephone: (+46) 13  31 81 05
> Dep't of C^2 Warfare Tech.               Telefax:   (+46) 13  31 80 49
> National Defence Research Est., SWEDEN   Mobile:    (+46) 70 575 61 06