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Re: change the color of a link

Yes, they should be equivalent. Currently they are not due to a nam
initialization bug. It can be fixed by the enclosed patch. It'll be in
tonight's snapshot.

- Haobo

--- ns-namsupp.tcl~     1999/01/26 18:30:46     
+++ ns-namsupp.tcl      1999/02/16 20:07:32
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
        set delay [$link_ set delay_]
        $ns puts-nam-config \
-               "l -t * -s [$fromNode_ id] -d [$toNode_ id] -S UP -r $bw -D $delay -o $attr_(ORIENTATION)"
+               "l -t * -s [$fromNode_ id] -d [$toNode_ id] -S UP -r $bw -D $delay -o $attr_(ORIENTATION) -c $attr_(COLOR)"
 Link instproc dump-nam-queueconfig {} {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
        set ns [Simulator instance]
        if [info exists attr_(QUEUE_POS)] {
-               $ns puts-nam-config "q -t * -s [$fromNode_ id] -d [$toNode_ id] -a $attr_(QUEUE_POS)"
+               $ns puts-nam-config "q -t * -s [$fromNode_ id] -d [$toNode_ id] -a $attr_(QUEUE_POS) -c $attr_(COLOR)"
        } else {
                set attr_(QUEUE_POS) ""

> Er, shouldn't the two be logically equivalent? As in:
> $ns at 0.0 "$ns duplex-link-op $n(3) $n(4) color \"green\""
> should be equivalent to:
> $ns duplex-link-op $n(3) $n(4) color "green"
> and produce the same results, since in both cases you're setting
> initial conditions? At least, that's how the naive OTcl programmer
> (namely, me) would perceive it.
> I'm tried setting the initial colour of links via:
> $ns $linktype $n($node1) $n($node2) $bandwidth $propdelay $queuemethod
> $ns $linktype-op $n($node1) $n($node2) color "blue"
> or even:
> $ns $linktype $n($node1) $n($node2) $bandwidth $propdelay $queuemethod color "blue"
> when I build the initial topology, and all I ever get is boring black.
> thanks,
> L.