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Some ns-2 evaluation questions

I'm currently investigating the use of ns-2, with cmu's wireless/mobility 
extensions, in our heterogeneous (Linux/Solaris/Win9x/WinNT) computer 
environment. As an example of what can be done with ns-2, and evaluate ns-2, I 
would like to ask if the following scenarios are already available or if I must 
go ahead and try to make them myself.

(1) A wireless mobile ad hoc network consisting of some 10-20 nodes. The nodes 
are moving around in some fashion (max velocity approx. 25 meters per second) 
such that the topology of the network varies due to some fixed transmitter 
power and data rate assignment. The nodes utilize CSMA medium access and some 
MANET routing protocol, preferably (a) TORA, (b) AODV, (c) DSDV, or (d) DSR.

(2) Same as the above apart from the fact that I would like to have a 
*different* routing mechanism but still from one of the four mentioned above.

Furthermore, the above scenarios should be evaluated in terms of *running 
averages* of (i) network throughput, (ii) network delay, (iii) probability of 
packet loss (in the whole network) (iv) origin-destination pairs of throughput, 
(v) origin-destination pairs of delay (vi) origin-destination pairs of 
probability of packet loss. And, given these running averages, I would also 
like to have the accumulated averages of the six above mentioned evaluation 
parameters (average from beginning of simulation up to the ``current time'' in 
the simulation).

What would be a good strategy to accomplish the above setups?

Can you give me examples of interesting traffic scenarios and explain why them?

What about packet losses, how do you handle variations in packet sizes? 

Remember, I'm just looking for ns-2 evaluation purpose trials...

I hope that some are interested in these matters so that I don't annoy you with 
questions that are ``irrelevant'' to the list. If you consider the issue 
off-topic, please let me know, perhaps without annoying others on the list...


Christian J�nsson                      (MIME) E-mail:        [email protected]
Division of Communication Systems             Telephone: (+46) 13  37 81 05
Dep't of C&C Warfare Technology               Telefax:   (+46) 13  37 80 49
Sweden's Defence Research Establishment       Mobile:    (+46) 70 575 61 06