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I'm using ns 2.1b4a. I tried setting up a lan connecting two nodes, n0
and n1, using make-lan.
I used namtrace-all to produce the attached file out.nam, and I tried
running nam.
Nam produces the following output:
`nam: error reading last line of `out.nam''.
Is it possible to represent Lan in nam? What's wrong in the script I
used to generate `out.nam'?
Giovanni Bricconi
V -t * -v 1.0a5 -a 0
A -t * -n 1 -p 0 -o 255 -c 15 -a 1
A -t * -h 1 -m 127 -s 8
n -t * -a 0 -s 0 -S UP -v circle -c black
n -t * -a 1 -s 1 -S UP -v circle -c black
X -t * -n 2 -r 10Mb -D 0.1ms -o left
L -t * -s 2 -d 0 -o up
L -t * -s 2 -d 1 -o down