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Re: Multicast Routing & ns

 Hi Lazraq, 

	You can find examples for PIM and CBT in the following files :
--> CBT => BST.tcl [ns-2/tcl/mcast/ in 2.1b5 release]
--> PIM => pim*.tcl files [ns-2/tcl/ex/newmcast in 2.1b4]
If you can't find them I attached a tar-gzipped file  directory which countains both of them and a lot of others.
				Abdelhamid Joumdane


On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:37:00   sanaa wrote:
>ubscribe ns-announce [email protected]
>I have a project research about multicast routing protocols and i have
>to implement PIM and CBT in 'ns' ,
>I didn't find any examples for code about multicast in 'ns library' ,
>Anyone can help me ?
>Lazrak Mohamed
>Email : [email protected]

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