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Re: virtual Lan with hierarchical routing

On 19 Mar 1999, Yuri Pryadkin wrote:

> Hmm.  It seems that hierarchical routing is still undocumented...

Hmmm, I could have sworn that hierarchical routing, like hierarchical
addressing, had brief mentions in nsDoc about a year ago (back when a
single level of hierarchical addressing got supported), but that since
all mention of the necessary $ns set-address-format had vanished from
same last I looked, that it's not explicitly currently supported and
You're On Your Own. 

(grabs 3 March nsDoc.ps, converts to pdf, runs Find... in Acrobat

whoops, no, the new chapter 2 lists it as undocumented. Cool. 
undocumented!=unsupported/broken; I do like to be able to assign risk
values to the various programming strategies open to me.

There's still no mention of the necessary set-address-format anywhere
in the current nsDoc, though, presumably due to odd interactions with
e.g. multicast if you try using something other than that
used-to-be-deprecated Node expandaddr.



for rather useful class autodocumentation links in the left frame, btw.

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>