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Re: mobility model

Hello all.

I'd like to know what SUN's model is and how it's available. If you're looking 
for a mobility model based on pseudo stochastic methods, there's one the BN 
made for the GloMo project. I'm not sure of it's availability, but I've got it 
and plan to test it under ns. How, I don't know yet...

I attach the mail I got, back in '97, from BBN containing the source.

***NOTE*** The copyright notice from BBN reads:

 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |

[email protected] said:
> Hi,
> does anyone have any information for me regarding mobility models?. I'd like
> to use it in NS. I've looked at the CMU extensions but I got the idea that
> the ad-hockey tool can be used to generate a trace file from a path I can
> set up manually. What I'm looking for is some kind of model in which the
> mobiles move at random, according to a Markov model, ...., whatever there
> is.
> I've seen SUN's mobility model too but it doesn't seem to be based on actual
> traffic. The best would be some kind of model created from data that has
> been obtained from actual traffic.
> Thanks in advance, Sjoerd Janssen

CC = gcc

        ${CC} -g -c $<

OBJS = main.o fuzzymom.o randutils.o

ecrv: ${OBJS}
        ${CC} ${OBJS} -o $@ -lm



 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |

#ifndef COORDS_H
#define COORDS_H

typedef struct _coords
    double x;
    double y;

extern COORDS MW_NodePosition[];

#define GetXPosition(id) MW_NodePosition[id].x
#define GetYPosition(id) MW_NodePosition[id].y
#define SetXPosition(id, q) MW_NodePosition[id].x = q
#define SetYPosition(id, v) MW_NodePosition[id].y = v




 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "coords.h"
#include "fuzzymom.h"
#include "randutils.h"

long FzSeed;

extern FILE *NvOutput;
FILE *fzCannedMoves;
/* get the maximum Node Radius from the nodes */
static int FzGetMaxNodeRadius(minnode, maxnode)
int minnode;
int maxnode;
    int i;
    int maxR = 0;

    for (i=minnode; i < maxnode; i++)
        if(MW_FzNodes[i].origRadius > maxR)
            maxR = MW_FzNodes[i].origRadius;


/* For the end of the simulation - may want to dump out statistics here */
    int i;

    i = 0;

ECRVUpdateInf(tStep, groupId)
int tStep;
int groupId;
    double xMove, yMove;
    double radius;
    double angle;

    /* assign old values */
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevRadius = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius;
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevAngle = MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle;

    /* calculate new values */
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius =
        (MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevRadius * MW_FzGroups[groupId].yR) +
        ((MW_FzGroups[groupId].sigmaR * MW_FzGroups[groupId].speed) *
         MW_FzGroups[groupId].rSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle =
        (MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevAngle * MW_FzGroups[groupId].yAng) +
        ((MW_FzGroups[groupId].sigmaAng * DegsToRads(360)) *
         MW_FzGroups[groupId].angSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    /* this basically implements a bounce off the boundaries of our world */
    xMove = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius * cos(MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);
    yMove = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius * sin(MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);

    /* calculate Group X = Xg*/
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].curX += xMove;
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].curY += yMove;

/* Bounded model - nodes have to bounce off the walls */
ECRVUpdate(tStep, groupId)
int tStep;
int groupId;
    double xMove, yMove;
    double radius;
    double angle;

    /* assign old values */
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevRadius = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius;
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevAngle = MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle;

    /* calculate new values */
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius =
        (MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevRadius * MW_FzGroups[groupId].yR) +
        ((MW_FzGroups[groupId].sigmaR * MW_FzGroups[groupId].speed) *
         MW_FzGroups[groupId].rSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle =
        (MW_FzGroups[groupId].prevAngle * MW_FzGroups[groupId].yAng) +
        ((MW_FzGroups[groupId].sigmaAng * DegsToRads(360)) *
         MW_FzGroups[groupId].angSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    /* this basically implements a bounce off the boundaries of our world */
    xMove = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius * cos(MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);
    yMove = MW_FzGroups[groupId].radius * sin(MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);

    /* calculate Group X = Xg*/
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].curX += xMove;

    /* if Xg + Rg >= Xmax || Xg - Rg <=0 then newangle = 180 - oldangle*/
    if(MW_FzGroups[groupId].curX >= (double)(MW_FzGroups[groupId].maxX))
        MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle =
       (double)(DegsToRads(180) - MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);

    if(MW_FzGroups[groupId].curX <=0)
        MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle =
       (double)(DegsToRads(180) - MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);

    /* if Yg + Rg >= Ymax || Yg - Rg <=0 then newangle = -oldangle*/
    MW_FzGroups[groupId].curY += yMove ;

    if(MW_FzGroups[groupId].curY >= (double)MW_FzGroups[groupId].maxY)
        MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle = (-MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);

    if(MW_FzGroups[groupId].curY <=0)
        MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle = (-MW_FzGroups[groupId].angle);


/* Exponential Correlated Random Variable Model                  */
/* A node's position in time is Node(i) at n = Group Center + b at n
   where b at n = Node's previous position * ecrvY +
                  sigma * sqrt ( 1 - pow(ecrvY, 2)) * random gaussian variable

   ecrvY = exp(timestep/Tau)
   timestep = 1 in this model; For values of large Tau, we get close to linear
   movement for each node, for small Tau we get more random movements for
   each node

   There are 2 Tau and 2 Sigma's - one for the Radius and one for the Angle.
ECRVMove(nodeId, tStep, x, y, nx, ny)
int nodeId;
int tStep;
double x;
double y;
double *nx;
double *ny;

    int i, groupId, ecrvId;

    groupId = MW_FzNodes[nodeId].groupId;
    ecrvId = MW_FzNodes[nodeId].ecrvId;

    MW_FzNodes[nodeId].prevRadius = MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curRadius;
    MW_FzNodes[nodeId].prevAngle = MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curAngle;

    MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curRadius =
        (MW_FzNodes[nodeId].prevRadius * MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].yR) +
        ((MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].sigmaR * MW_FzNodes[nodeId].speed) *
         MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].rSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curAngle =
        (MW_FzNodes[nodeId].prevAngle * MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].yAng) +
        ((MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].sigmaAng * DegsToRads(360)) *
         MW_FzEcParms[ecrvId].angSqconst * GaussDev(&FzSeed));

    *nx =  MW_FzGroups[groupId].curX + MW_FzNodes[nodeId].origConstX +
        MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curRadius * cos(MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curAngle);

    *ny =  MW_FzGroups[groupId].curY + MW_FzNodes[nodeId].origConstY +
        MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curRadius * sin(MW_FzNodes[nodeId].curAngle);

    MW_NodePosition[nodeId].x = *nx;
    MW_NodePosition[nodeId].y = *ny;


/*  ECRVInit                                                           */
/*  Initialize the network                                              */
/*  Modify the global position arrays so that all nodes have a starting */
/*  x and y                                                             */
ECRVInit(totalNodes, numGroups, maxX, maxY)
    char dum[100];
    FILE *fp;
    int i, j, nodesPerGrp, tauR, sigmaR, tauA, sigmaA, numTypes;
    int start, end, maxR;
    int x, y, sp, rad, ang, percentage;

    /* read in the configuration                                        */
    /* Configuration is laid out with                                   */
    /* Group#:                                                          */
    /* orgX, orgY, group speed, group radius limit, group angle in degs,*/
    /* tauR, sigmaR, tauAng, sigmaAng                                   */

    FzSeed = -1;
    fp = fopen("ECRVConfig", "r");
    start = 0;


    for (i = 0 ; i < numGroups; i++)
        fscanf(fp,"%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", dum, &nodesPerGrp,
               &x, &y, &sp, &rad, &ang, &tauR, &sigmaR, &tauA, &sigmaA);
        MW_FzGroups[i].origX = (double)x;
        MW_FzGroups[i].origY = (double)y;
        MW_FzGroups[i].maxX = (double)maxX;
        MW_FzGroups[i].maxY = (double)maxY;
        MW_FzGroups[i].speed = (double)sp;
        MW_FzGroups[i].origRadius = (double)rad;
        MW_FzGroups[i].radius = (double)sp;
        MW_FzGroups[i].origAngle = (double)DegsToRads(ang);
        MW_FzGroups[i].angle = MW_FzGroups[i].origAngle;
        MW_FzGroups[i].tauR = (double)tauR;
        MW_FzGroups[i].sigmaR = ((double)sigmaR/100.0);
        MW_FzGroups[i].tauAng = (double)tauA;
        MW_FzGroups[i].sigmaAng = ((double)sigmaA/100.0);
        MW_FzGroups[i].yR = exp(-1.0/((double)tauR));
        MW_FzGroups[i].yAng = exp(-1.0/((double)tauA));
        MW_FzGroups[i].rSqconst =
            sqrt(1.0-(pow(MW_FzGroups[i].yR, 2.0)));
        MW_FzGroups[i].angSqconst =
            sqrt(1.0-(pow(MW_FzGroups[i].yAng, 2.0)));
        MW_FzGroups[i].nodes = nodesPerGrp;

        /* read in the ECRV stuff for the nodes */
        fscanf(fp,"%s %d %d %d %d %d\n", dum,
               &tauR, &sigmaR, &tauA, &sigmaA);

        MW_FzEcParms[i].tauR = (double)tauR;
        MW_FzEcParms[i].sigmaR = ((double)sigmaR/100.0);
        MW_FzEcParms[i].tauAng = (double)tauA;
        MW_FzEcParms[i].sigmaAng = ((double)sigmaA/100.0);
        MW_FzEcParms[i].yR = exp(-1.0/((double)tauR));
        MW_FzEcParms[i].yAng = exp(-1.0/((double)tauA));
        MW_FzEcParms[i].rSqconst =
            sqrt(1.0-(pow(MW_FzEcParms[i].yR, 2.0)));
        MW_FzEcParms[i].angSqconst =
            sqrt(1.0-(pow(MW_FzEcParms[i].yAng, 2.0)));

        /* do the nodes per group */
        end = start + nodesPerGrp;
        for (j = start; j < end; j++)

            fprintf(NvOutput, "node %d\tcolor %d;\n", j, i%MAXNETVIZCOLORS);
            MW_FzNodes[j].groupId = i;
            MW_FzNodes[j].ecrvId = i;
            MW_FzNodes[j].speed = MW_FzGroups[i].speed;
            MW_FzNodes[j].origRadius =
                DoubleRandVal(1.0, MW_FzGroups[i].origRadius);

            /* these angles are radians */
            MW_FzNodes[j].origAngle =

            /*ECRV init*/
            MW_FzNodes[j].curRadius = MW_FzNodes[j].origRadius;
            MW_FzNodes[j].curAngle = MW_FzNodes[j].origAngle;

        maxR = FzGetMaxNodeRadius(start, end);

        /* x[0] = GroupRadius + MaxRandom Radius of Node in group + center */
        MW_FzGroups[i].origX += (maxR + MW_FzGroups[i].origRadius);
        MW_FzGroups[i].origY += (maxR + MW_FzGroups[i].origRadius);

        MW_FzGroups[i].curX = MW_FzGroups[i].origX;
        MW_FzGroups[i].curY = MW_FzGroups[i].origY;

        /* convert to x and y coordinates */
        for (j = start; j < end; j++)
            /* x = r*cos(theta) + maxR + X[0] */
            MW_FzNodes[j].origConstX = MW_NodePosition[j].x =
                MW_FzNodes[j].origRadius * cos(MW_FzNodes[j].origAngle);
            MW_NodePosition[j].x +=  MW_FzGroups[i].origX;

            /* y = r*sin(theta) + maxR + Y[0] */
            MW_FzNodes[j].origConstY = MW_NodePosition[j].y =
                MW_FzNodes[j].origRadius * sin(MW_FzNodes[j].origAngle);
            MW_NodePosition[j].y +=  MW_FzGroups[i].origY;
        start = end;



 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |

#ifndef FZMOM_H
#define FZMOM_H

#define NUMNODES 60
#define MAXFZGRP 60

/* this describes the group for the fuzzy movement */
typedef struct _fzgroup
    double origX;
    double origY;
    double origRadius;
    double origAngle;
    double speed;
    double prevRadius;
    double radius;
    double prevAngle;
    double angle;
    double curX;
    double curY;
    double maxX;
    double maxY;
    double tauR;    /* group parameters */
    double yR;
    double rSqconst;
    double tauAng;
    double yAng;
    double angSqconst;
    double sigmaR;
    double sigmaAng;
    int nodes;

/* this describes the node for the fuzzy movement */
typedef struct _fznode
    double speed;
    double origRadius;
    double origAngle;
    double origConstX;
    double origConstY;
    double prevRadius;
    double prevAngle;
    double curRadius;
    double curAngle;
    int groupId;
    int ecrvId;

typedef struct _ecrvParm
    double tauR;      /* node parameters for the ECRV model */
    double yR;
    double rSqconst;
    double tauAng;
    double yAng;
    double angSqconst;
    double sigmaR;
    double sigmaAng;
    int percentage; /* percentage of nodes in this group */

#define DegsToRads(x) x/57.296
#define RadsToDegs(x) x*57.296

extern int ECRVInit();
extern int ECRVUpdate();
extern int ECRVUpdateInf();
extern int ECRVMove();
extern int ECRVClose();
extern int MomCannedInit();
extern int MomCannedUpdate();
extern int MomCannedMove();




 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |

#include <stdio.h>
#include "fuzzymom.h"
#include "coords.h"

FILE *NvOutput;

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;

    int numNodes;     /* max number of nodes in the simulation */
    int numGroups;    /* max number of groups in the simulation */
    int maxX;         /* max X on grid */
    int maxY;         /* max Y on grid */
    int maxMoves;    /* max times to move */
    int i, j, k;
    double Nx;
    double Ny;

    numNodes = 9;
    numGroups = 3;
    maxMoves = 10;
    maxX = 350;
    maxY = 350;

    NvOutput = fopen("try.nv", "w");

    ECRVInit(numNodes, numGroups, maxX, maxY);

    for(i = 0; i < maxMoves; i++)
        /* for every move you want to make or every tick,
           you want to call from this part */
        fprintf(NvOutput, "time %d;\n",i);

        for(j = 0; j < numGroups; j++)
            /* this is for a bounded space */
            ECRVUpdate(0, j);
           /* call ECRVUpdateInf(0, j) for unbounded space */

        for(k = 0; k < numNodes; k++)
            ECRVMove(k, 0,

            fprintf(NvOutput, "node %d\tposition %f,%f;\n",
                    k, GetXPosition(k), GetYPosition(k));
        /* to this part */


/* CFSkipComments                                                */
/* we want to skip comments in the canned files                  */
/* the canned files really need comments - otherwise we will     */
/* forget what all the parameters in the file are                */
/* Comments in all canned files are lines that begin with #      */
/* Since this is for simulation - comments must fit on a line    */
/* I don't deal with wrapped lines and comments are just at the  */
/* beginning of the file                                         */
/* Input: takes in an open file descriptor                       */
/* Output: void                                                  */
/* Side Effects: fp should be at the first character that is     */
/*               legitimate input                                */
void CFSkipComments(fp)
FILE *fp;
    char dum[1];

    if(fp == NULL)

    dum[0] = fgetc(fp);

    while(dum[0] == '#')
        dum[0] = fgetc(fp);

        while((dum[0] != '#') && (dum[0] != '\n'))
            dum[0] = fgetc(fp);

        if(dum[0] == '\n')
            dum[0] = fgetc(fp);

        fseek(fp, -1, 1);


 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

#define IA 16807
#define IM 2147483647
#define AM (1.0/IM)
#define IQ 127773
#define IR 2836
#define NTAB 32
#define NDIV (1+(IM - 1)/NTAB)
#define EPS 1.2e-7
#define RNMX (1.0 - EPS)

 *Generates a random integer number between minval and maxval, inclusive.
int IntRandVal(minvalue, maxvalue)
int minvalue;
int maxvalue;
    int range, rnum;

    range = maxvalue - minvalue + 1;
    rnum = ((lrand48() % 100)*range)/100 ;
    rnum += minvalue;

 *Generates a random double number between minval and maxval, inclusive.
double DoubleRandVal(minvalue, maxvalue)
double minvalue;
double maxvalue;
    double range, rnum;

    range = maxvalue - minvalue + 1;
    rnum = ((lrand48() % 100)*range)/100 ;
    rnum += minvalue;

/* "Minimal" random number generator of Park and Miller with Bays-Durham
   shuffle and added safeguards.  Returns a uniform random deviate between
   0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive of the endpoints).  Call with idum as a negative
   integer to initialize; thereafter, do not alter idum between successive
   deivates in a sequence.  RNMX should approximate the largest floating
   value that is less than 1 - Taken from Numerical Recipes*/

double Rand1(idum)
long *idum;
    int j;
    long k;
    static long iy = 0;
    static long iv[NTAB];
    float temp;

    if (*idum <= 0 || !iy)
        if (-(*idum) < 1)
            *idum = 1;
            *idum = -(*idum);
        for (j = NTAB + 7; j>=0; j--)
            k= (*idum)/IQ;
            *idum = (IA*(*idum-k*IQ))-(IR*k);
            if (*idum < 0)
                *idum += IM;
            if (j < NTAB)
                iv[j] = *idum;
    k = (*idum)/IQ;
    *idum = (IA*(*idum-k*IQ))-(IR*k);
    if (*idum < 0)
        *idum += IM;
    j = iy/NDIV;
    iy = iv[j];
    iv[j] = *idum;
    if ((temp = AM*iy) > RNMX)


/* returns a normally distributed deviate with zero mean and unit variance,
   using ran1(idum) as the source of uniform deviates.
double GaussDev(idum)
long *idum;
    double Rand1();
    static int iset = 0;
    static double gset;
    double fac, rsq, v1, v2;
    double temp;

    if(iset == 0)
            v1 = 2.0 * Rand1(idum) - 1.0;
            v2 = 2.0 * Rand1(idum) - 1.0;
            rsq = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
        }while (rsq >= 1.0 || rsq == 0);

        temp = -2.0 * log(rsq)/rsq;
        fac = sqrt(temp);
        gset = v1 * fac;
        iset =  -1;
        return(v2 *fac);
        iset = 0;

 ** EXPON(): Returns a value with exponential distribution.
long expSeed = -1;
int expon(mean)
  int mean;
  extern double drand48();
  extern double log();

  srand48((long)time((time_t *)NULL) + GaussDev(&expSeed));
  return(int)((-log((double)(1.0-drand48()))) * ((double) mean));


 |     Copyright (c) 1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies            |
 |                                                                   |
 |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
 |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
 |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
 |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
 |  documentation, and that the name of BBN Corporation not be       |
 |  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution      |
 |  of the software without specific, written prior permission.      |
 |  BBN makes no representations about the suitability of this       |
 |  software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS" without       |
 |  express or implied warranties.                                   |


extern double drand48();

extern double DoubleRandVal();
extern double Rand1();
extern double GaussDev();
extern int IntRandVal();
extern int expon();




# Comments are lines beginning with # signs and they should be on a single line
# Comments can only be taken at the beginning of the file
# This file is the input file for the ECRV mobility model
# The model is described as
# b(t+1) = b(t)exp(-1/Tau) + sigma*sqrt(1 - (exp(-1/Tau))^2)*random Gauss var
# The model has groups of nodes.  Each group is a circle containing nodes which
# can be described as having a certain number of nodes originally centered
# at a specific (x,y) with group speed s.  The nodes can initially be spread
# out from the center with a radius r.  Each group's movement is described
# as the equation above.  We describe each group by moving a certain
# radius with a certain angle.  We specify separate Tau and sigma variables
# for the radius and the angle of the group.  From the equation, the
# smaller the Tau, the more random the movement.  I use sigma to control
# what the spread is of the speed or the angle movement is.  Really sigma
# is sigma * speed or sigma * 360.
# Inside each group the nodes can also do their own kind of movement.  Each
# node gets to be described in the same way.  Groups may move very linearly
# but the nodes may look like really crazy men inside the groups.
# 2 lines specify a group and its nodes
# Group: Num of Nodes, X, Y, Speed, Radius, Angle, TauRadius, SigmaRadius,
#                                          TauAngle, SigmaAngle
# ECRV for Nodes in Group: TauRadius, SigmaRadius, TauAngle, SigmaAngle
G1: 3 0 0 5 100 0 100000 100 100000 100
E1: 1000 100 1000 100
G2: 3 50 0 5 100 0 1 100 1 100
E2: 1 100 1 100
G3: 3 50 50 0 100 0 0 0 0 0
E3: 0 0 0 0

Christian J�nsson                            E-mail: [email protected]
Defence Research Establishment,
Div. of C&C Warfare Tech.                    Phone: +46 13 37 81 05
Department of Communication Systems          Fax: +46 13 37 80 49
P.O. Box 1165
SE-581 11  LINK�PING, Sweden