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ns-2 on Digital Unix anybody?

Hello, ns-users,

has anybody succeeded yet to build ns-2 on Digital UNIX 4.0?

If not, don't worry, ...it's just because I am currently trying to compile
ns-2 on all plattforms we have here ;-)  The Solaris version works fine, a
Linux installation will follow in a few weeks.

After some minor changes I could build and run it, and most of
the validate tests ran nicely, but not all of them. Some had
floating point execeptions, etc.

(If anybody is interested in the errors and (quite some) warnings,
./test-all-template1: 18943 Memory fault
ns: _o4 start-connection: _o411: shouldn't use gen-page for existing pages
    while executing
ns: _o433 get-response-GET _o408 _o412:1 size 1024 modtime 28.249996899999999 ti
me 34.298250066666668 age 5.3889024149999996: can't read "modseq_(_o412:1)": no 
such element in array
...and how I got around some of them in the installation process, I would
share them (sending them to the whole group would probably be inappropriate),
but as I said, something still goes wrong. Some of this seems to suggest
that this may result in some "real" porting work, though, not just some minor
