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Wireless Simulation

Hi all,

I have tried the example file ~tcl/ex/wireless.tcl in ns-allione-2.1b5
(I'm a solaris user).
With the given connection pattern ~tcl/mobility/scene/cbr-50-20-4-512
and the scenario
~tcl/mobility/scene/scen-670x670-50-600-20, the output looks quite nice,
the 50 nodes seem to move around. My problem is now, how to get any
traffic into the simulation?
I've looked into the connection pattern file, and it seems that traffic
is generated when
simulation has already stopped. I tried to extend the simulation time,
but this was giving
me "Segmentation fault", maybe because of too many movements causing too
many lines in the output?
I tried to change the times scheduled in the connection pattern file
then, but there were
only three packets of one connection visible in the trace file.
How can I generate traffic of any kind for the mobility scenario?
Anyway, is there some help about what lines in mobility trace files

One more problem, when I tried to switch the logging of movement off,
there was the
following error:
can't read "ns": no such variable
      while executing
"set ns_ $ns"
    (procedure "dsdv-create-mobile-node" line 5)
    invoked from within
"dsdv-create-mobile-node $i"
    (file "wireless.tcl" line 250)
I've looked at line 250, but it seemed like a normal loop to me and I
can't make anything out of the error. I didn't change anything there, I
just set opt(lm) to "off".

Maybe someone can help me who has tried the example wireless.tcl and
give me a hint how I can do a wireless simulation with the mobility

Thanks in advance,

([email protected])