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debugged wireless module

Hello everybody,
           A snapshot of ns-2 having the debugged version of cmu's
wireless model is now available from ns-build page at:


pointers to same are available from ns-problems page as well.

* bugs reported on this list are now removed.

* In addition to the example script ns/tcl/ex/wireless.tcl, a simpler 3
node topology example has also been added wireless-test.tcl in the same
dir.(there was a request for a simpler topology other than the 50 nodes'

* Note that the (new) scenario (node-movement) file used by wireless
scripts now use a node indexing of 0 instead of 1 used in earlier files,
in line with ns index convention. 

* The ns/indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest/setdest.cc is now revised to
use indexing from 0 and maybe used to generate other movement (scen-*)
files for wireless simulations. 
See README under cmu-scen-gen for help on generating node-movement and
node-traffic files.

* currently the cmu wireless extension supports DSDV and DSR routing
protocols. The option opt(rp) maybe changed in wireless examples
(mentioned above) to use DSDV or DSR.

* a write-up for the wireless stuff is scheduled in the near future;
For now, refer to cmu's webpage
http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/cmu-ns.html for a ps version of
cmu/monarch's documentation.

Feedbacks/comments/bug reports are very welcome.

--Padma Haldar.

Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.

Padmaparna Haldar
310.822.1511 #352