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Re: wireless-test.tcl
The wireless model uses cmu-trace methods. If you look at
wireless.tcl you'll find traces being writtten to the opt(tr) option.
so you would need to check out out.tr or whatever that parameter is
defined as. The ns trace-all and namtrace-all
doesnot support mobility. when they do you'd be able to use nam to
visualize the mobilenode movements.
FYI,several bugs have been fixed for the wireless model. check out the
snapshot version at http://www-mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU/ns/ns-build.html
for the latest update.
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Juana Elias Nakfour wrote:
> Hi everyone !!
> I am sorry I am sending this again but I never got an answer and
> I would really like to know if anyone was able to trace TCP packet using
> either the wireless.tcl or wireless-test.tcl.
> I am just trying to run
> wireless-test.tcl when I found out the following: 1.
> set nf [open nam-out-test.nam w]
> set f [open trace-out-test.tr w]
> $ns_ namtrace-all $f
> $ns_ trace-all $nf
> _________________________ should be
> set nf [open nam-out-test.nam w]
> set f [open trace-out-test.tr w]
> $ns_ namtrace-all $nf
> $ns_ trace-all $f
> 2. When looking at the trace-out-test.tr file it was empty. I checked the
> cbr-3-test file and $ns was used in some places instead of $ns_. So I
> fixed that too but still got an empty trace-out-test.tr. I really
> appreciate some help. thanks in advance. !!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Juana Nakfour | URL: www.cse.msu.edu/~nakfourj
> Graduate Assistant | Address: 201 N. Pennsylvania
> Computer Science and Engineering Dept. | Lansing, MI 48912.
> Michigan State University | Phone: (517) 487 9031
> "F1 all the way.............."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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