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please help: large topologies

Hello all,

I am doing  multicast simulation using 250 node stub based
network topology. I am using topology generator class (# Created May 98 by
Ahmed Helmy; updated June 98) to generate my network topology. When I run
the simulation, it gives an error that I have no clue about:

$> ns  dense250.tcl
Creating hierarchical nodes..
creating node 100...
creating node 200...
Creating links 0...
creating link 100...
creating link 200...
creating link 300...
ns: _o10270 recv  386 5936: can't read "messages": no such variable
    (Object set line 1)
    invoked from within
"Agent/Mcast/Control set messages($m)"
    (procedure "_o10270" line 2)
    (Agent/Mcast/Control recv line 2)
    invoked from within
"_o10270 recv  386 5936"

Interesting part is that I am doing a similar simulation with a network of
size 100 nodes and it works, but for 250 node network it does not ( I use
Node expandaddr to increase address space - I am using ns version  2.1b4a)

Is it possible that topology generator does something wrong in generating
large topologies or any other reasons about this error....

Thank you very much,
