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Queuemonitor broken

Dear ns-users,

I upgraded form ns-2.1b3 to ns-2.1b5 and encountered a problem with my
scripts using a Queue monitor.

I found out that the problem lies in ~ns/tcl/lib/ns-link.tcl and seems
to exist since ns-link.tcl version

(btw: the WWW interface to the MASH CVS tree is *great*)

here is the diff between the original ns-link.tcl version 1.42 (from
ns-2.1b5) and the fixed code:

% diff Original/ns-link.tcl ns-link.tcl

=== cut here ===
< 	$qMonitor_ set-src-dst [$source_ id] [$dest_ id]
> 	$qMonitor_ set-src-dst [$self src] [$self dst]
< 		puts $qtrace_ "[$ns_ now] [$source_ id] [$dest_ id] $qavg"
> 		puts $qtrace_ "[$ns_ now] [$self src] [$self dst] $qavg"
=== cut here ===

best regards,

  Christof Brandauer                        [email protected]
  Student of Applied Informatics                 
  Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg, Austria