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MAC tracing in CMU
Hi everyone !!
When running the example wired-cum-wireless-sim.tcl with
set MacTrace ON
I get the following errors:
(_o32 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o32 cmd sendtarget"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args ret"
(proceudre _o32 line 2)
invoked from within
$mac sendtarget
procedure _o26 line 59
Node/MobileNode add-interface line 59......................
I read the documentation about the mobility support in ns but still didn't
understand how to trace tcp packets in the CMU mobile nodes. None of the
examples given in ns do that.
thanks in advance !!!!!!
Juana Nakfour | URL: www.cse.msu.edu/~nakfourj
Graduate Assistant | Address: 201 N. Pennsylvania
Computer Science and Engineering Dept. | Lansing, MI 48912.
Michigan State University | Phone: (517) 487 9031
"F1 all the way.............."