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Re: Queues

> From:  Moncef Elaoud <[email protected]>
> To:    "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Queues
> Date:  Wed, 26 May 1999 20:31:36 CDT
> Greetings to all:
> I am wondering if anyone knows what the function of the variable "blocked_"
> in the class Queue is.  I can see that whenever it is set, the packet at
> the head of the queue is not sent right away, rather its sending is delayed
> to a later time.  What makes the queue "blocked_"??  Any help is
> appreciated
> Thanks
> Moncef Elaoud

this can happen in CBQ.  In that case new queues are blocked
and then selectively unblocked when they should release a packet.
In those cases, they immediately return to blocked after releasing
their packet.  The default configuration for queues is that they
don't get blocked this way.

- K