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To create a new agent in ns
Hello everyone,
I amd using nsallinone-2.1b4. I have a problem with creating a new agent.
I made these changes in ns but it still doesn't work.
Created a file: ~ns-2/tcp-dsreno.cc
In this file I defined: DsRenoTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/DsReno")
modified files: ~ns-2/Makefile
then run these files under ns-2:
After doing that there was no error. but when I try to use this agent in my
script it gave an error message:
invalid command name "Agent/TCP/DsReno"
After this point I couldn't find what the problem is.
Thanks in advance,
PS: the new agent Agent/TCP/DsReno is as same as the agent Agent/TCP/Newreno.
I just changed the name and other necessary variable names to learn how I can
create a new agent.