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RE: trace Average Queue Size in RED

Hi Fusun,

    The RED TCL parameter for the instantaneous weighted average queue size
is ave_.  So, if the variable $redq is set to the queue that you want to
monitor, then the command

    [$redq set ave_]

will return the current value of the weighted average queue size.  Please
note that you do not want to access simply Queue/RED; instead you must
access the particular queue instance for the link between $n1 and $n2. 

    The mean_pktsize_ parameter should be set to the mean size, in bytes, of
the packets that will enter this queue.  The RED algorithm uses this
parameter to adjust the weighted queue average when the link is idle.

Jeremy Ethridge,
Computing Technology Lab,
Nortel Networks.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Fusun Inanc [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 09, 1999 5:35 PM
> To:	[email protected]
> Subject:	trace Average Queue Size in RED
> Hi,
> I created a link which uses RED queue algoritm. And I want to trace
> average 
> queue size . How can I do that? 
> I used the following , but it doesn't help...
> $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 3Mb 10ms RED
> set avgque [Queue/RED set mean_pktsize_]
> puts " Average Queue Size = $avgque "
> Thanks in advance..
> Fusun Inanc