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Install problem in Sun OS 5.5.1

Hello, all users,
   I met the exact same problem  as "archive/ns-users/9903/0240.html" 
when I tried to install ns-allinone-2.1b5a in Sun OS 5.5.1.  And I 
tried to look for the answer as John Heidemann suggested. But no such
fix in "http://www.scriptics.com".
   Anyone met the exact same problem? How to solve? Thank you very much
in advance.

Cheng Liang
------------------------Error message as follows---------------------------
>>cc -c -O -I./../generic -I. -DHAVE_GETCWD=1 -DNO_STRING_H=1
>>"./../generic/tclIOUtil.c", line 67: undefined symbol: access
>>"./../generic/tclIOUtil.c", line 67: warning: initialization type mismatch
>>"./../generic/tclIOUtil.c", line 67: non-constant initializer: op "U&"
>>"./../generic/tclIOUtil.c", line 243: cannot recover from previous errors
>>*** Error code 10
>>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tclIOUtil.o'
>>tcl8.0.4 make failed! Exiting ...