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Problem encountered with httpTraffGen.

Hi Tom,

with your http background Traffic generator I encounter a Segmentation
Fault. I was on the search for this error and found where it happens.

in httpModel.tcl on about line 100 you (re)connect the both ends.
    $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $think] "$ns_ connect $reqTcp_ $reqTcpSink_; \
	    $reqTcp_ set packetSize_ $requestLength_; \
   	    $reqFtp_ send $requestLength_"

Do repetitively produce the error without waiting to long, I set the
think time to:
    set think 1

And so, it immediately crashes NS with a segmentation fault, as soon as
it passes the line. To be sure not to have faulty values I "puts" all
the values before the call launchement.

Do you know where the problem could be fixed ? (or does anyother know
the problem of such a call ?)

My environment, where I tested it:
FreeBSD 3.1-Release, NS & NSe 2.1b5.

I would gratefully appreciate any help.

Kind Regards and Thanks in Advance,

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