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On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Nguyen Huu Thanh wrote:
> Hello Lloyd,
> I attach here my newest version of the segmentation/reassembly agent. An
> example included (new-sar.tcl) describes how it works (also with other
> applications like TCP). If you find it useful, you might hang it on your
> ns web, so that everybody can get it. Thank you very much.
Okay, I've archived it under:
next to the Japanese code. thanks, Nguyen.
Now, some minor musings on that new and very useful htdig search
I'd hate to see Nader's webpages suddenly mysteriously vanish without
trace, taking the handy htmlised nsDoc <http://www.isi.edu/~salehi/ns_doc/>
with them if they do (you learn never to trust the longevity of a URL
with a tilde in it. Right, Kannan?) Would relocating/duplicating the
htmlised nsDoc to/on the mash server be a sensible thing to do
Also, with the new search facility, it's possible to return relevant
results from ns-developers - but not to read them. This is just plain
annoying when you're trying to discover why things are the way they
are but you can't read relevant results that might shed light on the
matter. Well, you can, but feeding in phrases and then reassembling
the bitsy chunks of text that get reported back becomes a trifle
tedious after a while.
I can take ns-developers out, I suppose, but security through
obscurity seems short-sighted
Absolutely, John. And you've still got the VINT lists mentioned on
the conventions page, after all.
'every user is a potential contributor and developer' is a mantra for
third-party additions.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Nguyen Huu Thanh
> Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen
> Institut fuer informationstechnische Systeme
> Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
> 85577 Neubiberg
> Tel.: +49 89 6004-2279
> Email: [email protected]
> -------------------------------------------------
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>