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Re: request for example!!!


What is the granularity of the processing power that you mention?  Is
it going to be at packet level?  If so, then you need to add your code
to the C++ space.  If you provide me with some details, maybe I can


>>> "Saehoon" == Saehoon Kang <[email protected]> writes:

Saehoon> Hi, I want to make a agent which can process a packet and
Saehoon> send to multipoints in link level.  this is similar to
Saehoon> multicast but some different. node have processing power.

Saehoon> This is very simple conceptually, but i don't know how to do.
Saehoon> I surveyed ns-documentation and some sample *.cc and *.tcl.
Saehoon> but I couldn't find any clue.  Is there anybody who has some
Saehoon> examples for this?  please give me some idea?

Saehoon> thanks,

Saehoon> Saehoon Kang