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Re: about TCP initial window test suite

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 21:20:37 BST, Lloyd Wood wrote: 
>On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, satish kumar reddy wrote:
>>    Can anyone help me with this particular test suite named
>> "test-suite-tcp-init-win.tcl" which is in the ns/tcl/test directory or
>> can u suggest someone who can help me with the same??
>In general, I'd suggest looking at the file in the CVS tree, seeing
>who made most modifications, and starting with them.

What Lloyd says is correct, but I encourage people, ESPECALLY
beginners to ns, to post their questions to the mailing list
BEFORE sending them directly to individuals.

Often the mailing list will get QUICKER reponses than e-mail to
individuals because:

- anyone can answer, not just one person

- we try to watch the list and make sure that questions get some reply
relatively quickly (~2 days)

- people reading the list will forward messages to the original
authors of the code (or the current maintainer or expert)
if they can't answer directly

(Also, my sense is that the mailing list has a higher tolerance for
beginning users and incomplete or already answered questions.)

By comparision, the original authors of the code may no longer be
working on the project or may very busy and so may not reply quickly.

Also, let me take a moment to thank the folks answering questions on
the list, both folks on VINT who have no choice about the matter (:-)
and users who contribute their time.

   -John Heidemann