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Re: example script showing no target for slot problem
On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Paul WHITE wrote:
> I've managed to put together an example script using teh same topology that
> was giving me the 'no target for slot problem'
> When you run the script you will see the following error message
I never understand this
business. Would someone mind explaining it to me? Surely a comment
# Hi! I need BST functionality and likely a more recent snapshot than
# that thing you're running!
suffices? Regardless... this is a trivial and different problem:
$ diff paul.tcl paul-fixed.tcl
< set group 0x8001
> set group [Node allocaddr]
Since you're using expanded address space, you have to let the
simulator allocate the group address (unless you pick really really
large numbers, I suppose.) Example scripts with ns don't illustrate
this well, and it seems to trip up the few people playing with
multicast and large address spaces initially (well, that's _my_
excuse). With this fixed, your script finished, I got a nam trace
looking something like a dead mutant christmas tree with aphids [*],
things seem to work fine.
This isn't the no-target-for-slot problem I'm seeing in other address
spaces a longlong time into large simulations, and judging from your
own description (slot 1 vs slot 3279) probably not the one you're
really facing either. Red herring.
> At 0.1577 : node 14 oiflist: _o916 _o1301
> At 0.1706 : node 29 received a graft from: 25, to: -1, if: 69
> At 0.1706 : node 29 oiflist: _o1092 _o1521 _o1466
> At 0.1785 : node 4 received a graft from: 14, to: -1, if: 20
> At 0.1785 : node 4 oiflist: _o718 _o905
> At 0.2393 : node 0 received a graft from: 4, to: -1, if: 2
> At 0.2393 : node 0 oiflist: _o729 _o751 _o707
didn't see that.
> _o4238: no target for slot 1
fixed that.
> Why its says slot 1 and not slot 3279 as it did for my other script using the
> same topology and addresses I dont know. ANyway heres teh example script that
> produces the above problem. If anyone can shed light on what is going wrong
> here then I'd be most grateful
> thanks,
> Paul
[see the list archive for Paul's script]
[*] I want a nam Xmas tree animation. And all the times between stops
and platforms on the London Underground so I can build the topology, turn
nam into a virtual trainset, and have godmode routing tell me the
fastest way from A to B as well.
<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>