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congestion sensitive routing algorithm
I am a graduate studetn in University of Texas at Austin and just started
using ns-2.1b5. I would like to use ns-2 to simulate a dynamic routing
algorithm which is sensitive to links' utilization or congestion level.
Can anyone direct me to any reference on how to import my routing algorithm
to ns-2? I checked in the mailing list archives where many have asked about
the similar question I have. However, I cannot find any answer on them.
Thanks for your help!!
S. Jay Yang (Shan-Chieh Yang)
_ Telecommunication & Network Research Lab
_| ~-. TISE, Department of ECE
\, *_} The University of Texas at Austin
\( Tel : (512)471-4326
Email : [email protected]
WWW : http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~scyang