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Problem with nam file size....

Hi to everybody,

I have resolved the problem of mine first topologies and now beginning
the phase of agents creation.....
I write you because I have noted an absurd thing rather, after having
made a simulation lasted around half time.. I have tried to open the
nam.out file and until here everything well, but when I have begun to
put the monitors.... the program it was stopped and it produced an
incomprehensible error at the end I have discovered that these nam files
had saturated my quota....
Question: Does the Xgraph produce files of small dimensions????
Otherwise thing I can let for reducing the dimensions....??

out.nam ==> 78 MB
out.tr ===> 40MB

[email protected]
org:FIB - UPC (Catalunya Politecnic University) - Spain;Computer Arquitecture (AC)
adr:;;Calle Sancho Marraco 4 , 3� 2�;Barcelona;BCN;08004;Spain
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Carrer Final Project (Doble Tiulation)
fn:Vincenzo Mazzotta