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compilation problem..

Hi Everybody,

A comilation problem is troubling me since a long time. I would really
appreciate if somebody could suggest me the reason for the same.

I get the following error message after compilation:

ebsnModule.cc:14: two or more data types in declaration of
gmake: *** [ebsnModule.o] Error 1

I have written the following code in ebsnModule.cc :

static class EBSNModuleClass : public TclClass {

  public :
    EBSNModuleClass() : TclClass("EBSNModule") {}
    TclObject* create(int,const char*const*) {
        return (new EBSNModule);
  } class_ebsnmodule; <= LINE 14

Waiting for a reply.

Thank you.


Rajesh Khetan.

Rajesh Khetan
University of Southern California
1194 W 30th Street, Apt.# 1
LA, CA - 90007                      	Tel : (323) 737 3035