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Add queue
Hi to everybody,
Thanks for your answers....
I would like to add to my topology a queue-monitor that allows me of to
calculate the statistics of the queue as for instance middle time of
wait in the queue, middle length of the queue etc.
Besides I would like to save in the files out.tr or/and out.nam the
information related to the statistic of the queue...
If someone has some examples from to let see me respect to as the
queue-monitor it is used and to as the information of the simulation you
can be chosen that want to save each other on the files...
Thank you in advance
Vincenzo Mazzotta
([email protected])
org:FIB - UPC (Catalunya Politecnic University) - Spain;Computer Arquitecture (AC)
adr:;;Calle Sancho Marraco 4 , 3� 2�;Barcelona;BCN;08004;Spain
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Carrer Final Project (Doble Tiulation)
fn:Vincenzo Mazzotta