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Using NS on NT
I having some problems installing ns on an NT machine, and
was hoping for some assistance.
I was able to get NS to build, but in trying to run the executable
with the example.tcl script, I get the following error:
_o1: unable to dispatch method node
while executing
"$ns node"
<file "example.tcl" line 41>
I get similar errors when I try to use the example1.tcl script as listed
in Marc Greis's tutorial, except it complains about namtrace-all.
In addition, when I type the following command, I get nothing back:
% Simulator info instprocs
I did download the already compiled versions, and doing the same
commands was able to get an actual listing, so there seems to be
something missing from my executable (note that it is 659, 456 bytes,
while the precompiled version is 1 ,414, 144 bytes). However, in
referring back to the makefiles, I am unable to do find a problem (my
modifications to the makefiles were closely based on the makefiles
used by Matthew Marchant).
Specifically, I am working with the following component versions:
tclcl-1.0b8-current (latest version; also tried tclcl-1.0b8)
ns-2.1b6-current (latest version; also tried ns-2.1b5)
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Microsoft NT 4.0
I appreciate any input/recommendations...
Thank you,
David Lalla
[email protected]