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RE: Recompiling ns: linker error
Hi, all,
This linker error just persists, even after I reinstalled the simulator with
new compiler version. The error message is as follows. I am using Solaris
2.6 and gcc2.8.1. I guess this is related to linker, but I really don't know
much about elf libraries. And I DO find those unknown type libraries in that
directory. Also I AM using the newest version of ld on my machine. By the
way, how could I find out the version of linker? I am wondering if anyone
has any idea?
Thanks a lot,
c++ -o ns \
tclAppInit.o random.o rng.o ranvar.o misc.o timer-handler.o
scheduler.o object.o packet.o ip.o route.o connector.o ttl.o trace.o
trace-ip.o classifier.o classifier-addr.o classifier-hash.o
classifier-virtual.o classifier-mcast.o classifier-mpath.o replicator.o
classifier-mac.o app.o telnet.o tcplib-telnet.o trafgen.o traffictrace.o
pareto.o expoo.o cbr_traffic.o tbf.o resv.o sa.o saack.o measuremod.o
estimator.o adc.o ms-adc.o timewindow-est.o acto-adc.o pointsample-est.o
salink.o actp-adc.o hb-adc.o expavg-est.o param-adc.o null-estimator.o
adaptive-receiver.o vatrcvr.o consrcvr.o agent.o message.o udp.o
session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o ivs.o tcp.o tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o tcp-newreno.o
tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o tcp-full.o scoreboard.o tcp-sack1.o tcp-fack.o
tcp-asym.o tcp-asym-sink.o tcp-fs.o tcp-asym-fs.o tcp-int.o chost.o
tcp-session.o nilist.o integrator.o queue-monitor.o flowmon.o
loss-monitor.o queue.o drop-tail.o simple-intserv-sched.o red.o
semantic-packetqueue.o semantic-red.o ack-recons.o sfq.o fq.o drr.o cbq.o
hackloss.o errmodel.o delay.o snoop.o dynalink.o rtProtoDV.o
net-interface.o ctrMcast.o mcast_ctrl.o srm.o sessionhelper.o delaymodel.o
srm-ssm.o srm-topo.o mftp.o mftp_snd.o mftp_rcv.o codeword.o
alloc-address.o address.o lib/int.Vec.o lib/int.RVec.o
lib/dmalloc_support.o webcache/http.o webcache/tcp-simple.o
webcache/pagepool.o webcache/inval-agent.o webcache/tcpapp.o
webcache/http-aux.o lanRouter.o tfcc.o filter.o pkt-counter.o
Decapsulator.o Encapsulator.o channel.o mac.o ll.o mac-802_11.o
mac-802_3.o mip.o mip-reg.o propagation.o tworayground.o antenna.o
omni-antenna.o bi-connector.o node.o mobilenode.o arp.o god.o dem.o
topography.o modulation.o priqueue.o phy.o wired-phy.o wireless-phy.o
mac-timers.o cmu-trace.o varp.o dsdv/dsdv.o dsdv/rtable.o dsr/dsragent.o
dsr/hdr_sr.o dsr/mobicache.o dsr/path.o dsr/requesttable.o dsr/routecache.o
ns-process.o gen/version.o gen/ns_tcl.o gen/ptypes.o win32.o
-R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -ltcldbg -R../tclcl-1.0b8 -L../tclcl-1.0b8
-ltclcl -R../otcl-1.0a4 -L../otcl-1.0a4 -lotcl -R../tkbox/lib -L../tkbox/lib
-ltk8.0 -R../tclbox/lib -L../tclbox/lib -ltcl8.0 -lXext -lX11 -lsocket
-lnsl -lintl -ldl -ldl -lm -ldl
ld: fatal: file /usr/local/lib/libtcldbg.a: unknown type, unable to process
using elf(3E) libraries
ld: fatal: library -ltcldbg: not found
ld: fatal: file /usr/local/lib/libXext.a: unknown type, unable to process
using elf(3E) libraries
ld: fatal: file /usr/local/lib/libX11.a: unknown type, unable to process
using elf(3E) libraries
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to ns
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ns'
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Dresler
> [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 2:40 PM
> To: Huiwen Li
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Recompiling ns: linker error
> Dear Huiwen,
> this is just a blind guess, but it looks to me like you are using a
> different compiler/linker than that used to generate the libraries.
> You might want to change the compiler (newer/older version?),
> if possible.
> If you are not your own system administrator, you might ask her/him
> to tell you about the compiler they used initially. By the way, you
> might want to include hints on the operating system you are using
> and the compiler, if your problem persists and you ask the list again.
> Hope it helps.
> Yours,
> Stefan