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Re: LanRouter & routing table
Whether you're using LANs or not, static routes are computed by
RouteLogic at the startup. (Simulator::run -> RouteLogic::configure
-> Agent/rtProto/Static::init-all -> Simulator::compute-routes ->
Simulator::compute-flat-routes -> RouteLogic::compute ->
RouteLogic::compute_routes(). The last one being a C++ function in
LanRouter doesn't compute routes itself - it's a helper object which
by default goes off and asks RouteLogic for the next hop given the
destination. You could change this behavior by deriving your own
LanRouter object from it.
Tarik Alj <[email protected]> writes:
> I can't figure out how or when the routes are actually computed when using
> vlan.tcl. I know there is a LanRouter object, but from LanRouter.cc all it does
> is call lookup_flat (hier)(lanaddr_, adst, next_hopIP) from RouteLogic. That
> implies the routing table is already computed.
> I would like to know how and where in the code that table is filled for the
> LanRouter object.
> Thanks.
> Tarik