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problem with installation of ns-2.1b6-current

I am using a Windows 95 system and have successfully installed eariler version of ns2.
But when I tried to install the latest snapshot, I have this error :-
packet.h(234) : error C2555: 'PacketData::copy' : overriding virtual function di
ffers from 'AppData::copy' only by return type or calling convention
        ns-process.h(72) : see declaration of 'AppData'
packet.h(459) : error C2259: 'PacketData' : cannot instantiate abstract class du
e to following members:
        packet.h(210) : see declaration of 'PacketData'
packet.h(459) : warning C4259: 'class AppData *__thiscall AppData::copy(void)' :
 pure virtual function was not defined
        ns-process.h(86) : see declaration of 'copy'
packet.h(459) : error C2259: 'PacketData' : cannot instantiate abstract class du
e to following members:
        packet.h(210) : see declaration of 'PacketData'
packet.h(459) : warning C4259: 'class AppData *__thiscall AppData::copy(void)' :
 pure virtual function was not defined
        ns-process.h(86) : see declaration of 'copy'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\VC98\BIN\cl.exe' : return code
It is due to this line in ns-process.cpp : -
"  virtual AppData* copy() = 0; "
and this line in scheduler.cpp :-
" virtual PacketData* copy() { return new PacketData(*this); } "
Can anyone help me with this problem? I have deleted my old version of ns2 and need this
latest version urgently. Thank you very much.