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Re: Simulations parameters
The TCP used is one that Van Jacobson and I altered two years ago.
Juan-Antonio Ibanez and Kedarnath Poduri found a couple of minor
bugs during use in subsequent months. We still use it. It was used
for the work we did for RFC 2415 and 2598 and we made it available
at the ns contributed code page, see the listing for Poduri and
Nichols. Van says it is "NewReno plus". Although we have a version
that runs with the current version of ns-2, the version on the
contributed code page doesn't and would have to be updated.
Juan's RED alterations were made to the ns supplied RED, but I
don't think they are available publically.
Massimo Pegorer - stage wrote:
> Does anybody know which type of TCP (Reno, NewReno...) has been used in
> the draft "Preliminary Simulation Evaluation of an Assured Service"
> (<draft-ibanez-diffserv-assured-eval-00.txt>), and how has been
> configured the ns2 TCP variables (window_...) ???
> Does RIO use "wait" RED strategy ?
> Thanks,
> Max.
> --
> Massimo Pegorer, student
> Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica
> Universita' degli Studi di Padova
> Padova - ITALIA