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Re: lan bw

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 11:04:03 EDT, Tarik Alj wrote: 
>it seems i had wrongly set the time interval in my record procedure (see Mark 
>Greiss's tutorial). After narrowing it, it appears the source gets a bw that 
>oscillates between 0.75 Mb and 1Mb. (is that normal for a cbr source?) 
>Can i assume my modifications to mac.cc were correct?

Close... for bandwidth measurements you should use bind_bw()
(which allows you to specify 2Mb intstead of 2000000).

Also, by convention, all initialization goes in ns-default.tcl.

That said, CBR sources shouldn't oscilate by default.

   -John Heidemann

>> 	this follows my previous message <setting-up lan bw>. I have modified 
>> mac.cc by changing the line:
>> 	bandwidth_ = 2.0 * 1e6 
>> to
>> 	bind_bw("bandwidth_", &bandwidth_)
>> (in Mac::Mac())
>> 	And it works fine (given i added a default in tcl/lan/ns-mac.tcl. Only i