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Re: [Q] On Marc Gresis's Tutorial

> Hello,
> > According to Marc Gresis(http://titan.cs.uni-
> > bonn.de/~greis/ns/nsintro.html), he wrote his ns tutorial with ns version
> > 2. 
> > I'm using ns-2.1b5 and I guess there are some mismatches. 
> The tutorial was written for version 2.1b3 and I have not been able to
> apply any updates lately, so yes, it is outdated. I have added a note
> about that to the intro page and probably should have done that
> earlier. Sorry about that.
> > The reason for me to forward this email to ns mailing-list is to get some
> > wisdom on this matter.
> Unless I accidentially removed it, there should still be a disclaimer
> about where to ask questions about the tutorial on the intro page.
> Best Regards,
> Marc
> PS: Over the years I have become somewhat attached to the name 
> "Marc Greis", but the huge amount of different suggestions for new 
> versions of that name that I see every day always amazes me. ;) 

What do you expect Marc, you are dealing with an evolutionary technology 
here ;-)

> -- 
> Marc Greis                                           [email protected]