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Re: can I use tcl only and no C++
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 12:51:25 PDT, Alaa Elkholy wrote:
>I am thinking to do something but I would like to
>consult you first to see if it is possible or not. I
>want to write my own mobile ip simulation modules. I
>want to write a simplified mobile ip modules to serve
>our research group goal. So, I am not gonna simulate
>the whole things in a real fashion. I will simplify it
>as possible. I want to simulate the main three nodes
>in mobile IP; FA, HA and mobile node. I want for each
>node type to create a new objec that inherits the node
>object supplied by the ns2 and add to it the specific
>features according to each node function. The question
>is; is it possible to do so using the tcl only
>without the need to write the code by C++.
Possibly. The question is hard to answer without studying exactly
what you want to measure.
However, in general, we recommend putting per-packet processing in C++
since per-packet transitions into Tcl are very expensive.
(There was some recent mailing list discussion about this topic.)
Ns currently contains a C++-level Mobile IP which you may also want to
look at.
-John Heidemann