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Re: Xgraph Installation
> make : *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/libXext.a', needed by
> 'xgraph'. Stop.
make requires the library file libXext.a containing some x-windows related
functions (don't know exactly what) to generate an xgraph executable. It's
guessing that the file is in /usr/lib, but it mustn't be in your
installation. I guess you've installed linux with x, so it's probably in
another directory - I don't use linux myself, so I can't check on my
distribution. I think that it also might differ on different linux
distributions. You can probably find the file using the command
find / -name libXext.a -print
This will search the whole filesystem for the file you want. It could take
some time, and it will probably generate errors saying that it cannot
access certain directories, but it should find the file if it exists on
your system. You can then replace /usr/lib/libXext.a in the Makefile for
xgraph with a valid path to libXexta.
Sean Murphy, Email: [email protected]
Teltec Ireland, Phone: +353-1-7045080
DCU, Dublin 9, Fax: +353-1-7045092