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Re: Range of router support.

> I have one question about router, which is very important to me.
> While I implement protocol using ns-2, I have a big problem.
> What I want to add a "function" of router is :
> If a packet is droped, a router looks for the same packet in the
> cache/buffer.
> If it is still there, the router retransmits the packet.

Not sure what you want to do, but typically, when a packet is dropped, the
packet is destroyed, I think. A packet is usually dropped when the
buffer/scheduling scheme decides that there are not sufficient resources
available, or that it is not prudent to admit this packet (maybe it's low 
priority, and we want to keep the little remaining buffer space for high
priority). Hence, I don't understand what you mean by "if a packet is
dropped, the router looks for the same packet in the cache/buffer." The
packet has left the last buffer, and has not gained access to this buffer,
so to which cache/buffer are you referring?


Sean Murphy,			Email: [email protected]
Teltec Ireland,			Phone: +353-1-7045080
DCU, Dublin 9,			Fax:   +353-1-7045092