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More debug help
I solved my problem i had with the new wireless API
My problem was that I built a node after a wireless node
My error was to call node-config -wiredRouting ON
to build a wired node.
What happend is that nodetype_ of my node was Base, but my node was
built as a node and not as a wireless node . That explains why my node
didn't have the nifs_ instvar
The solution to build a usual node after a base station is simply to
call node-config without parameters.
But there should be more debug help in the code so that it is impossible
to build a usual node with -wiredRouting option. The following lines in
the ns-lib.tcl should be followed by more tests (test if the node is a
wireless node)
# basestation address setting
if { [info exist wiredRouting_] && $wiredRouting_ == "ON" } {
$node base-station [AddrParams set-hieraddr [$node node-addr]]
Vera Mickael Stagiaire