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Re: trace enque only ?

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Frank Chu wrote:

> I sent this question yesterday and didn't see it
> appears on the list so I guess it is lost somehow.

The list appears increasingly clumpy. You wait for an ns message, then
six or seven come at once.

> The question is how to trace the Enque packets
> only, but still didn't find a way work.
>  set traceobj [$ ns create-trace Enque $f $node1
> $node2]
>  $traceobj flush  
>  $ns flush-trace
> It just didn't work.  What I am trying to do is to let
> the trace file $f contains only the packets when they
> are enqued.  However, no file was output.

Generating a tracefile the normal way, then:

grep '+ ' out.tr >enque.tr 
       ^ note the space.

works for me. Or you could hack trace.cc around. Or you could
postprocess the tracefile with awk and only do stuff if $1
was equal to '+'. Lots of ways to skin this particular cat.

> I tried many other methods and read many times the NS
> doc's chapter on trace and felt desperate. 

Don't worry, that much is perfectly normal. Been there, done that.



> I wonder
> if I missed anything because I am just trying to do a
> very simple thing.  Very much appreciate if anyone
> can help.
> Frank

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>