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problem with the compiled version?


I am HuangPeng, with the help of yours, I have successfully compiled
the ns projects on Win98 with VC++6.0.

Now I have some questions:

1. I have download the binary file of ns, after unzipping it, it
accounts for 1.5MB, while the my-compiled one accounts only 564KB.
I dount this due to the .dlls. Is it right? if not, can anyone tell 
me the reason.

2. when I tried to run the my-compiled ns.exe, it just complains 
that it couldn't find the tcl80.dll.So I found it in the directory
in the of tcl8.0.5\win\realse and copy it to the ns.exe directory.
this time the ns didn't complain anymore. Is this things should be?

3. I have made some tcl scripts according to the ns tutorial, all of
which could be run smoothly with the download-binary one. When I tried
to use the compiled one to run the scripts, the ns just informs that:

_01:unable to dispatch method namtrace-all while executing
"$ns namtrace-all $nf"

_01:unable to dispatch method rtproto while executing...

what's the matter, how should I solve the problems?

    [email protected]