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Question about IntServLink? (Again!)
I am sorry that I ask something about IntServLink again.
Recently, I am exceedingly anxious for it and really hope some help for
my understanding of the mechansim of IntServLink so that I can extend
something on the basis of it.
I tried to understand the file, ns-intserv.tcl, but I have not
understood it well.
First, I do not know what is "lltype 'DelayLink'". I wonder where
such a data type has been defined. From ns Docs, DelayLink should be a
sub-class of Connector and it should be further explained in Chapter 8
(page 48). However, in Chapter 8, there is only something about "class
LinkDelay". Are "DelayLink" and "LinkDelay" the same class? In addtion,
what is "lltype"?
Second, what are "MeasureMod" and "signaltype"? Sometimes, I feel
it is really hard to find what files are related an issue you
concerned. I do not understand whether there is relation between SALink
and SimpleLink or they are the same class( ? I have not found the
connection bewteen them).
Third, it seems IntServLink does not consider anything like,
enqT_, deqT_ and etc because it directly define "$measmod_ target
$queue_". I am not sure whether MeasureMod has configured the relavent
parameters. According to my understanding of the structure of
IntServLink should be:
Signalmod_ ($signaltype) ---> measclassifier_ (Class/Hash/Fid) --->
measmode_ (MeasureMode) ---> Link ( queue_ --> link_-->......)
I do not know whether my understanding is right or not because I am
confused in Signalmod, measmode... many things.
Finally, I really hope a relavent file list of my qeustions.
I am imperatively looking forward to crucial help.
Thanks anyway!
Sun Kai
(The following it the email I sent last time.)
--- Begin Forwarded Message ---
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:56:46 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
From: K Sun <[email protected]>
Subject: Question about IntServLink?
Sender: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
It seems, in "ns notes and Documentation", there is no more
information about IntServLink. I have not understood the IntServLink
mechanism in ns well. It seems it contains a Hash classifier except the
simple link.
I wonder where I can find more information about IntServLink, and
how to design a specific intergrated service link on the basis of
IntServLink provided by ns.
Thanks in advance!
Sun Kai
--- End Forwarded Message ---